Spiritual Energy Healing Services in Chicago

These energy healing services are available both online and in person, offering options for private (1:1), group, or semi-group sessions. Unsure which option suits you best? Reach out to us, and we'll tailor the session to meet your unique needs.

FIRST TIME CLIENTS... we recommend the "Energy Healing" session, where you can experience a variety of healing modalities tailored to your needs.

Energy Healing Services

What we offer

Aura Cleansing

Every living thing has an energy field around them known as an electromagnetic field. When your energy is dull it becomes off-balanced either physically, mentally, or both. During your cleansing we will bring the aura energy fields into balance and improve the health and wellness. At the end, you will go through a protective aura process of smudging, feather whisking and use of cleanse water.

Chakra Reading and Balance Healing

The practitioner will administer healing with the process of dowsing which seeks out invisible energies to cleanse blocked energy within your Chakra. This healing/ reading can let you know what areas of your chakra are blocked and ways to keep them flowing after your treatment.


Reiki Healing

The practitioner will administer healing by using gentle hand movements over your body guiding the energy flow through the bodies bio magnetic field, chakras, meridians and charging them with positive life flow to activate the natural healing process and restore physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.

Energy Healing

Our healer will channel the universal life force (or healing energy) to help balance, heal and remove blockages from your body. During this treatment, we will only focus on your ailment and use different combinations of divination tools to help flow energy, balance, harmony and vitality within your body so it can be restored.


Color Healing (NEW)

Color energy healing is a holistic approach that taps into the vibrational frequencies of different colors to promote balance and well-being within the body, mind, and spirit. Each color is associated with specific qualities and emotions, influencing the body’s energy centers or chakras.


Meridian Healing (NEW)

Meridians are channels or pathways that carry vital energy, known as Qi. When Qi flow is disrupted, it can cause illness or blockage in energy flow. Meridian Healing restores balance for overall well-being.

Emotional Healing (NEW)

Emotional Healing is a transformative service designed to help clients identify and address deep-seated emotional issues hindering their well-being. Through compassionate guidance and introspective techniques, we empower individuals to navigate their emotional towards healing and inner peace.

Spiritual Self-Love Healing (NEW)

Dive into the depths of your being, confronting both the light and shadow aspects of your existence with courage and compassion to bring forth what is stopping you in life.

Time Travel Healing (NEW)

Life’s challenges often stem from past events or future uncertainties. Our Time Travel Energy Healing allows us to revisit the ideal moments in your present or past lives to promote healing and balance.

❋ Experience relief today by healing deeply rooted past issues.
❋ Improve your current situation with future-focused healing work.
❋ Gain clarity and insight into recurring patterns.
❋ Enhance overall well-being by balancing past, present, and future energies.

Partner Energy Healing

Energy healing sessions for pairs, whether partners or family members. This session focuses on your specific ailments and use a combination of divination tools to enhance energy flow and strengthen your relationship. This holistic approach promotes both individual well-being and deeper connections.

Spiritual Contacts / Cord Cutting / Krama

Learn the different types of spiritual agreements that can affect your life. With our healing sessions we help you dissolved those connections, heal and ensure these cords don't follow you into the next lifetime.

Types of Agreement Healing
❋ Spiritual Contracts and Cords
❋ Karma
❋ Vows and Calling Back Your Power

EFT Tapping

EFT aka ‘Emotional Freedom Technique’ is a way to unblock energy fields in your meridian. Just like acupressure, you use pressure points with tapping to redirect the blocked energy flow. By stimulating the meridian points through EFT tapping you can reduce the stress or negative emotion you feel from your issue, ultimately restoring balance to your disrupted energy.

Only offered as distance healing.

Spiritual Coaching

As a spiritual coach, we will guide you to find inner happiness, peace and harmony while supporting you on your journey to finding your sense of wholeness. We will involve different spiritual elements with traditional coaching to reach your goal.

❋ Learning and Growing Your Abilities: Discover and enhance your spiritual gifts.
❋ Child Guidance: Assist your child in learning and controlling their spiritual gifts.
❋ Healing Journey Support: Support and guidance on your personal healing journey.


Learn the basics and how to get started with mediation. You will learn the proper ways to position your body, breathing awareness and the benefits. We will take you through a relaxation, intention and return process. If you have done meditation before, we can take you through a mindfulness guided meditation which may include a theme, a meditation equipment (signing bowls, bells, etc), affirmations and/or activities. We also provide meditation for pregnancy.

Sound Therapy
(Crystal Signing Bowls / Tibetan Bowl)

We use the reverberating sounds and vibrations of crystal bowls to lull you into a peaceful, mindful state and clear any energy blockages in your chakra system.

Sound Therapy
(Tuning Forks)

We use sonic vibrations to stimulate qi, promoting natural energy flow and healing. Tuning forks can help with pain management, weight loss, anti-aging and anxiety, making them excellent for physical, emotional, and mental health.

Past Life Regressions

A gentle form of hypnotherapy which takes an individual back through time to their previous lives or incarnations by accessing memories and experiences that are normally hidden in their subconscious mind. This regression helps uncover the origins of traumatic experiences and health issues people have. It helps overcomes anxieties, fears, dealing with every day concerns, and understanding phenomena. All sessions are recorded.

Animal Healing

People that struggle with depression, anxiety, and other mental health diseases understand the role that a pet can play in alleviating disabling symptoms so that healing at a deeper level can take place. Conversely, when you heal your own energy system, you are also caring for the energy field of your animal. In fact, clearing and balancing your own energy system positively impacts your pets. Your pet is always actively healing you. You can do the same thing for them! We have many wonder options for your furry: Reiki, Meditation and animal communication.

House Cleansing

A cleansing and purification process to remove any negative or stagnant energy in your space. With this session we will change the energy of your home and create a positive energy flow. This session will help with setting new intentions or removal of negative energies. *Depending on location. Zoom meeting required before cleansing.

Candle Manifestation

Learn the basic on manifesting your intentions with candles. Using the divine power to bring all positive energy to your life. Imagine setting an intention and knowing you will attract your desires to you.

Candle Manifestation should not be seen as intimidating. Think back to when you made a wish before you blew out the candles on your birthday cake. The same idea applies to candle manifesting, only instead of just hoping for your wish to come true, you’re declaring your intent.

Book Your Session

Sessions are available in-person, via online video, or phone. Distance Healing provides equivalent benefits to in-person sessions, allowing you to receive healing from the comfort of your home, regardless of your location.